Sunday, August 3, 2008

What good comes from negativity?

It is inevitable. Every election year, Americans are bogged down by presidential advertisements that could cause anyone major stress.

Every day I turn on the television to find a new commercial telling me just how good one presidential candidate is and just how bad his opponent would be in the White House. (You can find all of these commercials on My concern is that each candidate's media focuses entirely too much on the negative aspects of its opponent, rather than focusing on the many positive aspects of its own candidate.

Don't get me wrong. There are many positive media images of each presidential candidate available for supporters. However, commercials never seem to work the same way. It's almost heartbreaking to know that the negativity in our media today is even coming out of our future president's mouth. How about someone stepping up for once to stop these presidential advertisements used solely to slam one another's reputation?

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