Sunday, August 17, 2008

Picture worth more than 1,000 words

As a previous photographer for Simpson College's newspaper, I find photo journalism a very interesting topic. I opened the Web site for "The New York Times" today with this in mind and found a very moving picture that represents exactly what all photo journalists are trying to achieve.

The picture that I found is centered at the very top of the Web page just above the heading, "Gunshots, Then Silence: Another Baby Gone." Even before reading the story, I completely understood the tragedy that had impacted the neighborhood where the shooting occurred and the slain person's family who now mourn the death of their young daughter. The picture tells the entire story. It shows the sadness and the emptiness that now inhibit all of these people's lives.

So, take some time to look at this overwhelming picture. The photographer has definitely captured the moment with a photograph picturing a large coffin spray surrounded by a messy kitchen. It tells more about the story than any writer could ever describe.

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