Sunday, August 10, 2008

Messed-Up Media Coverage

Tonight WHO,, ran numerous clips of Shawn Johnson in anticipation of the United State's competition with China airing at 6 p.m. in the U.S. There was commercial after commercial on that created such an exciting atmosphere in Iowa for our home-grown star. However, this anticipation for the big competition was completely ruined when WHO aired the winner and loser at the end of their newscast... only a short half-hour before the competition aired.

I couldn't believe that WHO had really ruined the outcome of the entire competition. What was the point in watching it now and cheering on the U.S. when we knew they were going to lose to China? I know that it's the job of the media to present its people with the latest news, but isn't this something that should be kept a secret? Or was WHO just itching to be the one to say the news first?

Despite the news, we watched the competition and cheered our country on. But I wonder how many people decided that it was just a waste of their time. Did the ratings fall for the Olympics tonight in Iowa because WHO couldn't keep its media mouth shut? In my opinion, this was just some messed-up media coverage.

1 comment:

J Bonner said...

I've seen/heard this done numerous times in the past. WHO should have announced they were going to reveal the outcome of the games so those who wanted to could either leave the room, turn the volume down or change channels.