Sunday, July 27, 2008

Media Portrayals Influence Opinion of Rape Investigation

Media portrayals constantly influence public opinion. The University of Iowa rape investigation that has exploded into national news is no exception. An article published in The Iowa City Press Citizen on July 19th explains it all... or does it?

The investigation has resurfaced in media, as the article explains, because the alleged rape victim's mother wrote a letter to the University of Iowa regarding how poorly U of I reacted to her daughter's situation. The letter was also sent to The Iowa City Press Citizen, which consequently wrote a long article on the mother's behalf. Since then, the story has ran in all national media types, who have based their opinion and story off of the original article published.

So, the question of truth remains. Was the investigation handled properly, as Kirk Ferrentz holds to be true? Or does the media have it right? Was this alleged rape victim forgotten for the sake of football? Either way, it seems to be happening again. Media has set a bias for all public opinion.

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