Sunday, July 13, 2008

If TV news disappears, what will happen to print?

In an article written by Deborah Potter, Executive Director of NewsLab, it was brought to my attention that local TV news is slowly dying. There are layoffs and buyouts occuring that few of us rarely hear about. However, these are happening, and they are happening for a reason. Local TV news is being taken over by the internet. Sound a little familiar? Print news has been running into this same problem over and over since the internet showed readers news actually happening that very minute.

Potter proposes what I see as a the ultimate solution to this problem: reinvention. Newspapers have yet to do a complete reinvention, and TV news should see what is happening to them. Print news is still dying. They have yet to think of a more creative and up-to-date way to give the news to the masses. I predict that print news will still be around in 50 years, but it will definitely not be the prominent news source that it has been in the past unless it reinvents itself. Take a hint TV news, the same thing will happen to you. We are now a world that is used to being connected 24 hours a day. Print and TV news just can't serve it up to us like the world wide web.

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